Thursday, October 10, 2013

Another night at the theater and more interesting bags of crisps

Well, I didn't write last night because I went to see the Vagina Monologues with some friends. I actually didn't know what it was about. I only knew that people said it was funny and was a "must see" at the theater. It was REALLY funny. Some of their stories were serious and were meant to raise awareness of certain issues concerning the enslavement and trade of women. Other stories were light and funny, such as the stories about therapy and mirrors. LOL. Good fun. I learned some new phrases and, er, names (We'll keep it PG. Here is an example of one...hehe: "Monkey box").  Anyway, it was a great girl's night! I highly recommend it if you are looking for something to do for a ladies night.

Sorry, bad lighting.

Tanya meditating on what she learned...
Just for Fun:
This is still funny to me:

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